DFG-Projekt „The Impact of Shopping Motives, Channel Preferences and Cross-Channel Technologies on Cross-Channel Behavior - A Comparative Analyses between Germany and Poland"

Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) fördert das Projekt „The Impact of Shopping Motives, Channel Preferences and Cross-Channel Technologies on Cross-Channel Behavior - A Comparative Analyses between Germany and Poland".
Das Projekt läuft insgesamt über drei Jahre und wird gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Marcin Komor von der University of Economics, Faculty of Management, Department of Marketing, Katowice, Poland durchgeführt.
This project analyzes consumer behavior in online (internet shop) and offline channels (stores) in two markets, which are culturally similar, but differ in market maturity: Germany and Poland. The project in particular sheds light on cross-channel behavior and usage of cross-channel technologies in these differently developed markets. Cross-channel behavior addresses the phenomenon that customers use different channels for information search, purchase and post-purchase activities. For example, customers often search for price information online, but buy the product offline, where they expect the retailer to match the online price. Other customers go to stores, touch and feel the products, talk with the sales personnel, but buy the product later at a lower price online. We explain such behavior by shopping motives. Depending on how much importance customers attach to information search, product assortment, shopping convenience, price, immediate possession, social interaction and shopping experience, they prefer different channels in the search, purchase and post-purchase stage. Furthermore, we assume that such motives differ with market development; e.g. customers in emerging countries may put more emphasis on price, while customers in developed countries may value the shopping experience more. Cross-channel behavior dramatically affects the retail landscape. Some traditional offline retailers suffer from declining sales and price pressure, while others proactively develop their online business and implement cross-channel technologies (e.g., click & collect, in-store terminals) to offer the customer an overall shopping experience. Because of this huge relevance of cross-channel behavior and the scarce research addressing this phenomenon, our project aims to analyze the impact of shopping motives, channel preferences and cross-channel technologies on cross-channel behavior based on qualitative and quantitative studies. Results should help retailers to stimulate positive forms of loyal cross-channel behavior and reduce negative forms of free-riding cross-channel behavior (e.g. through better targeting segments with different motives for channel choice and a more targeted implementation of cross-channel technologies).The empirical studies will be conducted parallel in Germany and Poland. The project therefore adds an international dimension to cross-channel behavior, as it analyzes such behavior in two differently developed markets. This is not only important to understand differences in such behavior between countries, but also to forecast possible changes in such behavior with ongoing market development.